Can solve grinding process problems
What is a coolant filtration device?
モアテックのサイクロン付きフィルターコンベア MCCFは、クーラント液の腐敗や切粉詰まりの防止に役立つろ過装置。タンク内のヘドロが堆積するのを防ぎ、クーラント液の品質維持、マシントラブルの予防、稼働率の向上などに効果を発揮します。本体のカラーリングに関しては、要望に応じて塗装を行っています。
Filtration accuracy | 30μm |
Process flow rate | 60L/min、120L/min、180L/min |
Supported oil types | No information was found on the official website. |
Chip material | No information was found on the official website. |
Size | No information was found on the official website. |
油水分離機であるOIL-WATER SEPARATORは、水溶性クーラント内に混入したオイルを自動的に分離する装置となっています。装置の寸法や仕様については、要望に合わせて対応可能It is.
Filtration accuracy | No information was found on the official website. |
Process flow rate | No information was found on the official website. |
Supported oil types | No information was found on the official website. |
Chip material | No information was found on the official website. |
Size | No information was found on the official website. |
How to remove grinding sludge.
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What is the difference between products?
See how to choose the right coolant filtration system
No information was found on the official website.
製品についてはニーズを詳しくヒアリングし、内容に合わせてコンベアから大型プラントまで自社内で設計。製造した機器については自社トラックで搬送、さらに据え付け・稼働チェック・点検まで行うなど、トータルサービスが強みThe first two are the following.
Head office location | 175, Kawada-cho, Handa, Aichi, Japan |
Phone number | 0569-25-2266 |
Official HP | |
Coolant filtration equipment is used to filter sludge generated from equipment. There are a variety of products available depending on the intended use, so it is important to determine "whether the coolant filtration equipment is suitable for the purpose" and "whether the equipment is suited to the characteristics of sludge.