You can solve problems at your own factory! Encyclopedia of coolant filtration equipment "Kuraroka" " List of coolant filtration equipment manufacturers " terral


Can solve grinding process problems
What is a coolant filtration device?

Teral is a manufacturer specializing in pumps and blowers. The company is also involved in products for environmental improvement, and as part of this lineup, we focus on its coolant filtration systems. The following is a summary of the product features, benefits, and strengths of the company.

What is Terral's coolant filtration system?


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Terral's coolant filtration system "Cyclean" features easy replacement of drum filters. A mechanism has been adopted to ensure that dirty and clean liquids do not mix and can be replaced without draining.

Primary filtration with a drum filter achieves a filtration accuracy of 30μm x 90%. Collected sludge is discharged without accumulation by rotating vortex flow in a circular tank. AlsoTanks designed using 3D flow analysis are designed to provide a place for floating oil to stay and be collected efficiently.It is a product that is designed to improve efficiency and reduce costs in a variety of ways. These products are designed to increase efficiency and reduce costs in many ways.

In addition to the drum filter type, the lineup also includes specialized general-purpose machining, magnetic conveyor type, simple conveyor type, and grinding type.

Filtration accuracy 20μm×90%
Process flow rate 230 liters/minute
Supported oil types water-soluble coolant
Chip material No information was found on the official website.
Size No information was found on the official website.

What is the right product selection that can solve the problem?

Coolant filtration systems come in a wide variety of product performance and methods. As introduced here, there are drum filter type, magnetic type, and cyclone type, as well as different filtration accuracy and types of chips handled. What is important in selecting a product is its suitability for solving your company's issues. This site introduces recommended products for each issue. We hope you will find it useful in selecting a coolant filtration system.

What is the difference between products?
See how to choose the right coolant filtration system

Terral Case Studies

No information was found on the official website.

Process for contacting and introducing Teral

No information was found on the official website about Terral's product installations or the process to install them. If you are interested in doing business with us, you can contact the Purchasing Department using the contact form. If you have any questions or concerns about our products, or if you would like to request a quotation, please contact us from there.

There is also a dedicated inquiry form available if you have any questions about the price or delivery time of the product itself. In addition to contact through the official website, inquiries can also be made by telephone, but please note that telephone inquiries are accepted only from 9:00 to 18:00 on weekdays.

What kind of company is Teral?

Teral is a manufacturer specializing in blowers and pumps. We manufacture a wide variety of pumps and blowers of all sizes. In addition, Teral also manufactures environmental equipment and is involved in the purification and reuse of urban wastewater. As part of this effort,We develop products for reuse of coolant fluid and improvement of the working environment, and our product lineup includes coolant filtration equipment and dust collectors.The following is a list of the most common problems with the

Terral's Motto

With the growing need for energy conservation on a global scale, Teral is developing its business activities under the concept of "Triple e." This concept embodies our policy of "achieving energy conservation through highly efficient products" and "protecting the global environment. We are developing a variety of environmentally friendly equipment and products based on this concept, which incorporates our policy of "realizing energy savings" and "protecting the global environment" with highly efficient products.

Centered on Terral's corporate policy of "creating the future with water and air," the company has been providing pumps, fans, and other products for almost 100 years since its founding in 1918. Today, in addition to pumps and fans, Terral has expanded its business into the development of water treatment and filtration equipment and dust collectors directly related to the environment, picking up the needs of various industries and working to protect the global environment from a multifaceted perspective.

*Reference: Teral official website(

Terral Company Profile

Head office location 230 Moriwaki, Miyuki-cho, Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture
Phone number 084-955-1111
Official HP
For grinding process】 【For grinding process】.
Coolant filtration system
Three recommendations

Coolant filtration equipment is used to filter sludge generated from equipment. There are a variety of products available depending on the intended use, so it is important to determine "whether the coolant filtration equipment is suitable for the purpose" and "whether the equipment is suited to the characteristics of sludge.

Filter filtration system capable of filtering all "fine" sludge of 3μm or less Filter filtration system capable of filtering all "fine" sludge of 3 microns or less
Sun Maintenance Koki
Reference: Sun Maintenance Koki official website (
Main materials that can be filtered
  • Brittle materials such as cemented carbide, ceramics, and castings
For factories like this
  • I want to filter fine sludge less than 3μ.
  • I want to use it as a secondary process
  • To remove sludge that could not be filtered by other equipment
Capable of filtering "large volumes" of up to 200 l/min Centrifuge
Toto Separator Kogyo Co.
Reference: Toto Separator Industry official website (
Main materials that can be filtered
  • Brittle materials such as cemented carbide, ceramics, and castings
For factories like this
  • I want to filter more than 100 L
  • I want to use it as a primary process
  • Want to reduce running costs
High magnetic force filters 5 microns or less High magnetic force enables filtration of 5 microns or less. Magnetic Separator
Sumitomo Heavy Industries Finetech, Ltd.
Reference: Sumitomo Heavy Industries Finetech official website (
Main materials that can be filtered
  • Metal materials such as aluminum, steel, and iron
For factories like this
  • I want to filter metal materials.
  • I want to use it as a primary process
  • I want to remove metal sludge.
By processing method!
Coolant filtration system(at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusion
recommendation3 selections