You can solve problems at your own factory! Encyclopedia of coolant filtration equipment "Kuraroka" " List of coolant filtration equipment manufacturers " CNK




高精度部品研削用クーラントシステム Kシリーズ


また、システムを小型化することで省スペース化を実現しています。同社の従来の製品よりもかなり小さく、クーラントシステムを置く場所に悩んでいるケースでもこのKシリーズなら設置しやすくなりますThe following is a list of the most common problems with the

Filtration accuracy 5ppm
Process flow rate No information was found on the official website.
Supported oil types No information was found on the official website.
Chip material No information was found on the official website.
Size No information was found on the official website.

高精度ろ過クーラントシステム Dシリーズ

自動車部品などの量産部品の研削用につくられたクーラントろ過システムです。こちらもマグネットセパレータとサイクロンでろ過を行いますが、こちらは2段階ろ過ではありません。機器をシンプルにすることで、省スペース・省エネを実現しましたThe following is a list of the most common problems with the


Filtration accuracy 30ppm
Process flow rate No information was found on the official website.
Supported oil types No information was found on the official website.
Chip material No information was found on the official website.
Size No information was found on the official website.


こちらの製品は、タンクを四角形ではなく円形にしてあるところが最大の特徴。クーラントの超寿命化を目指して設計されました。スラッジや切りくずがタンク内に堆積しにくい設計になっており、よどみ箇所がない円形タンクを実現しましたThe following is a list of the most common problems with the


Filtration accuracy No information was found on the official website.
Process flow rate No information was found on the official website.
Supported oil types No information was found on the official website.
Chip material No information was found on the official website.
Size No information was found on the official website.

What is the right product selection that can solve the problem?


What is the difference between products?
See how to choose the right coolant filtration system


No information was found on the official website.


CNKは、金属表面の耐摩耗性を高めるための熱処理を専門とするメーカー。その技術を発展させ、機械装置の製造までを手がけるようになった会社ですThe following is a list of the most common problems with the



Head office location 28, Nodacho, Nodawari, Kariya, Aichi, Japan
Phone number 0566-21-1833
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For grinding process】 【For grinding process】.
Coolant filtration system
Three recommendations

Coolant filtration equipment is used to filter sludge generated from equipment. There are a variety of products available depending on the intended use, so it is important to determine "whether the coolant filtration equipment is suitable for the purpose" and "whether the equipment is suited to the characteristics of sludge.

Filter filtration system capable of filtering all "fine" sludge of 3μm or less Filter filtration system capable of filtering all "fine" sludge of 3 microns or less
Sun Maintenance Koki
Reference: Sun Maintenance Koki official website (
Main materials that can be filtered
  • Brittle materials such as cemented carbide, ceramics, and castings
For factories like this
  • I want to filter fine sludge less than 3μ.
  • I want to use it as a secondary process
  • To remove sludge that could not be filtered by other equipment
Capable of filtering "large volumes" of up to 200 l/min Centrifuge
Toto Separator Kogyo Co.
Reference: Toto Separator Industry official website (
Main materials that can be filtered
  • Brittle materials such as cemented carbide, ceramics, and castings
For factories like this
  • I want to filter more than 100 L
  • I want to use it as a primary process
  • Want to reduce running costs
High magnetic force filters 5 microns or less High magnetic force enables filtration of 5 microns or less. Magnetic Separator
Sumitomo Heavy Industries Finetech, Ltd.
Reference: Sumitomo Heavy Industries Finetech official website (
Main materials that can be filtered
  • Metal materials such as aluminum, steel, and iron
For factories like this
  • I want to filter metal materials.
  • I want to use it as a primary process
  • I want to remove metal sludge.
By processing method!
Coolant filtration system(at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusion
recommendation3 selections